Step-by-step guide to get you started.
To get started with our platform, first sign in using your Google account. Once you've signed in, you're ready to explore all the features we offer.
To register your new data, simply navigate to the Register tab.
When registering an organism, start by typing in at least four letters from its Genus, Species, or Strain.
As you type, suggestions will populate based on the NCBI taxonomy.
From the provided options, simply select the scientific name (which includes Genus, Species, and Strain) that matches your intended organism.
Download the Excel file specific to MicroGlycoCurator by clicking on the 'Example' link.
Open the Excel template you downloaded in the previous step and input your data.
In the "Subcellular Component Name" field, choose the most fitting option from the dropdown menu.
In the "Glycan Category" field, pick the category that matches your data from the dropdown.
For any fields you can't complete, mark them "ND". After verifying all entries, remember to save your file.
Once you've prepared your Excel file, return to the MicroGlycoCurator interface.
There, you'll find a section labeled 'Upload your Excel file' where you can conveniently upload your completed file.
Finalize your registration by clicking the 'Submit' button.
To view your previously registered data, simply navigate to the Records tab.
The detailed registration page is divided into several sections: