
User Manual

Step-by-step guide to get you started.

Getting Started: Google Sign-In

To get started with our platform, first sign in using your Google account. Once you've signed in, you're ready to explore all the features we offer.

Google Sign In Button

Registration Process

To register your new data, simply navigate to the Register tab.

Step 1: Enter Your Scientific Name

When registering an organism, start by typing in at least four letters from its Genus, Species, or Strain.

As you type, suggestions will populate based on the NCBI taxonomy.

From the provided options, simply select the scientific name (which includes Genus, Species, and Strain) that matches your intended organism.

Enter Your Scientific Name

Step 2: Get the Excel Template

Download the Excel file specific to MicroGlycoCurator by clicking on the 'Example' link.

Get the Excel Template

Step 3: Fill Out the Excel Template

Open the Excel template you downloaded in the previous step and input your data.

In the "Subcellular Component Name" field, choose the most fitting option from the dropdown menu.

In the "Glycan Category" field, pick the category that matches your data from the dropdown.

For any fields you can't complete, mark them "ND". After verifying all entries, remember to save your file.

Fill Out the Excel Template

Step 4: Upload Your Excel File

Once you've prepared your Excel file, return to the MicroGlycoCurator interface.

There, you'll find a section labeled 'Upload your Excel file' where you can conveniently upload your completed file.

Upload Your Excel File

Step 5: Submit Your Data

Finalize your registration by clicking the 'Submit' button.

Submit Your Data

Viewing Your Registered Data

To view your previously registered data, simply navigate to the Records tab.

  • Privacy: This data is exclusive to you. Other users cannot access it.
  • Visual Graph: To help you better understand your data, there's a visual graph depicting the proportions of Superkingdoms (Bacteria, Fungi, Archaea) in your registered data. Each Superkingdom is represented with a distinct color for easy differentiation.
  • Data Table: The table displays serial numbers, Scientific Names, and creation dates. There's a link on each Scientific Name that directs you to its detailed registration data.
  • Search Functionality: As you type in the search box, the list filters, making it easy for you to find the desired Scientific Name.
  • Deletion: You can delete any record using the red "×" button next to each entry.
  • Addition: By clicking on the blue "+" button, you can navigate to the Registration form page to add new data.
Check Your Registered Data

Detailed Registration Page

The detailed registration page is divided into several sections:

  • Taxonomy: Here, you can view the Taxonomy ID and Superkingdom information of the registered Scientific Name.Taxonomy Details
  • Table: This section showcases data from the registered Excel file. The data is initially grouped by "Gene" and "Glycan". The "Subcellular Component Name" button within the table is synchronized with the display in the subsequent Subcellular Location component, while the "Glycan Category" button is linked to the display in the later-mentioned Glycan Pathway section.Table View
  • Subcellular Location: Based on the Taxonomy ID of the registered Scientific Name, a cellular image diagram from SwissBioPics is displayed. Components highlighted in blue are clickable and are linked with the "Table" section and the "Glycan Pathway" section mentioned below.Subcellular Location View
  • Glycan Pathway: This section visualizes the Glycan Pathway using the registered "Substrate (CSDB linear code)", "Product (CSDB linear code)", and "Gene Number" as sources. It is displayed in synchronization with the Glycan Pathway within the Table section.Glycan Pathway Visualization